The Läbesschuel / School of life is a project within the community of Schloss Glarisegg. The Läbesschuel

started in August 2016 with 15 children, in 2019 we had 37 children registered. There is a

Waldkindergarten for children from 4 up to 5 years old and then there is 1st to 9th class (from 6 until 16

years old). The idea of welcoming EVS in our project comes from the wish to open the project to

different cultures for the children and the team to get them to know people from all over Europe. As we

work with non-formal education and self-reflection we think the Läbesschuel is a perfect match to the

EVS program.

The project starts the 1rst of August 2023 and is for 11 or 12 months. It is part of the Erasmus+

program “European Voluntary Service (EVS)”. More info about the EVS program you find here.


You will be able to participate in all the different classes if you wish. As you prefer, you can also choose to

work more with small children or to work more profoundly with our teenagers.

Main activity within the EVS is to support accompanying the children in their learning journey. All the

activities take place at Schloss Glarisegg community. We have different places within the community, we

sometimes work outside (forest, beach, neighbour farm or garden), sometimes in the ‘Montessori’ room,

other times in the main school building where we have a kitchen, a workshop, a library, a technic room

and a main room. The smallest children are mostly spending their time in the forest. One day a week, the

children go to Mammern (neighbouring village) by bicycle to do sports in the gym of the local school.

As a volunteer in this project, you will meet, cook together and even live in the same flat as the other 2

volunteers from Schloss Glarisegg. You will attend the same weekly community circle and have the

possibility to have a closer look at the other’s project.

As we use alternative methods of teaching, you will learn a lot about non-formal education, for example

also working with emotions and the body. The team of the school will help you to discover your

competencies and strengths. You will be given opportunities to choose and/or propose activities that you

would like to do with the children.

You will also be able to learn more about technical tools from different pedagogies (inspired by

Montessori, Freinet, Waldorf, André Stern, Gerald Hüther). Within this frame, you will learn a lot about

yourself and others in the frame of education but also in the field of teamwork, relationships and social

and emotional topics. During the time when the children are not in school, you’ll be able to work on your

own project, developing your own personal tools. The team will be present to help you to find out about

the goals and means of your project. It could be a particular subject that you would like to deepen. Then

you and the team will find out how, when, how long, which content, and so on it contains.


Participants are motivated to live and work in a rather remotely located place within an existing

community consisting of teachers, international students and other volunteers. Since you will be working

with children, basic German language skills are very important for this position.

Basic conditions offered to long-term volunteers

• Accommodation and meals.

• Erasmus+ Program provides health insurance and travel expenses, plus training seminars at

arrival and mid-term.

• Weekly German lessons (optional)

• Pocket money

• Continuous mentoring and support since arrival and throughout all the stay.

• Final certification about the work done and competences acquired.

• The practical and logistic matters will be handled by your sending organisation. SCI Switzerland

will organize all administrative matters like insurance and visa.

Please write to if you are interested in becoming an Erasmus+ volunteer. Please

note that you can only apply if you are between 18-30 years old and if you have not volunteered

through the Erasmus+ before.

Send your application via email to your Sending Organisation with the subject EVS-Application

Läbesschuel, Switzerland, and include all the following documents in English:

1) CV, Curriculum Vitae

2) Specific motivation letter for the project

Deadline for the application: as fast as possible